Thursday, 30 December 2010

Day 3 Filming Dilemma

During the Christmas holidays we had planned to film on the 19th of December and the 27th, 28th and 29th of December. On the 19th of December, our actor, Lewis Baker James, could not film because he was going away last minute. So on the 26th of December and on the 23rd of December we all tried to contact Lewis to see whether he could still film on the 27th. He did not reply to Hulya's texts, he did not respond to Megan’s phone calls and he read my Blackberry messenger messages and ignored them (did not reply). So we were stuck. Also on the 26th I had to stay at the hospital until the 27th, so I was unable to film anyway. Our actor had seriously screwed us over. So we fired him and decided to use Megan’s brother as our actor. the advantages of this was that he was Megan brother (Harry) and we could pretty much film at any time, and if Hulya or I could not make it, then Megan could always film alone. This was a real inconvenience, and with me being in and out of hospital, we decided to change locations to Hulya's house because it was in Dartford, near Megan’s house and if I was in hospital, then would still be able to film. Also, Hulya does not live too far away from school, so if we needed to do any last minute filming, we could at her house after school. Also the lighting in her house was much better than my shed and was a lot warmer than my shed. Also with the weather conditions, Hulya's house would be a lot more convenient because Megan and Harry could still walk to Hulya's house to film with her and it was inside. The only person, who would not be able to attend in the snow, would be me, so I focused on the magazine advert as I had Photoshop software at my own house. Also at Hulya's house there was more of a variety in terms of lighting which could be used. When we uploaded our first filming we found that it was a lot darker on the screen, so it was even good that we basically had to start again because our original footage was too dark.
Although it seems that our original filming was a waste of time, it was not because we learnt a lot of crucial skills which we could apply to future filming.

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