Sunday, 2 January 2011

Day 4

Today was the most productive day we have had in terms of filming. We all arrived at Hulya's house early in the morning and as Hulya and Megan had already filmed shadows, so they has prepared in terms of lighting. My main job was to film, while Hulya and Megan experimented with lighting so I could tell them which lighting looked best in the camera. The first thing we filmed was Harry with the strings. This was filmed rather quickly and there were no huge dramas with this. What took the longest was trying to film the puppets shadow with Harry, we used several different lightings and had to light torches from different angles, while I filmed. However, once this was completed the rest of the day carried on quite quickly. We were able to film the alleyway scene, the scene when Harry went mad, and the 'moving motion' scene. By the evening, we had had enough filming and agreed to meet the next day in Bluewater to take advantage of the winter wonderland scene.

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