Thursday, 7 October 2010

About our target audience

Amongst our group, we have decided to aim our music video in the indie genre. The killers are an indie band and are associated with the indie/rock genre. We want our target audience to be a mixture of indie kids and indie scenesters.
Indie Kids are described as :
Mainly teenagers who all share a common love for the arts and music. They listen to many bands most people haven't heard of and tend to dress however they want, usually ruling out the rules of fashion. One may see these "indie kids" in a local coffee shop, art gallery, or thrift store. These people aren't "emo". They also tend to wear warm neutral tones as opposed to black. They are fairly reserved and tend to be open minded as well as opinionate
Indie Scenesters, however are described as:
Someone who is a mix between the following Typical Indie Kid: -likes V necks -shops at american apparel and thrift stores -wide vocabulary -skinny jeans -thick glasses -artsy -long bangs that are side swept -try to be original -teased hair in bright colours -likes to be CRAZY! -likes kiddy things like hello kitty,dinosaurs robots -Dark makeup and false lashes -artsy.

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